Fetching an agent status
Authenticate to the cloud platform via the Python shell.
The following variables should be available now:
>>> base_url # the base URL of the API 'https://eu2-cloud.acronis.com/api/agent_manager/v2' >>> auth # the 'Authorization' header value with the access token {'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImMwMD...'}
Define a variable named
, and then assign an ID of the agent to this variable:>>> agent_id = '23effcf6-2798-4631-9a52-5785bf3af657'
Send a GET request to the
endpoint:>>> response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/agents/{agent_id}', headers=auth)
Check the status code of the response:
>>> response.status_code 200
Status code 200 means that the request was successful.
A different status code means that an error has occurred. For the details, refer to “Status and error codes”.
Also, the response body contains an agent object formatted as a JSON text. When converted to an object, it will look as follows:
>>> pprint.pprint(response.json()) {'auto_update': False, 'core_version': {'current': {'build': '179', 'release_id': '1.2.8'}}, 'enabled': True, 'host_id': 'b66fc4a7-69d4-4507-a229-0c38c58f626f', 'hostname': 'DESKTOP-JRPTA4A', 'id': '23effcf6-2798-4631-9a52-5785bf3af657', 'meta': {'atp': {'components': [{'name': 'ANTIVIRUS_ENGINE', 'update_time': 'Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:01:10 ' '+0300', 'version': '80985'}, {'name': 'ACTIVE_PROTECTION', 'update_time': 'Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:02:12 ' '+0300', 'version': ''}, {'name': 'VULNERABILITY_ASSESSMENT', 'update_time': 'Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:02:12 ' '+0300', 'version': '979.0.0.0'}]}}, 'name': '', 'online': False, 'platform': {'arch': 'X64', 'caps': 0, 'family': 'WINDOWS', 'name': 'windows', 'product_type': 0, 'service_pack': 0, 'sku': 0, 'suite_mask': 0, 'version_major': 0, 'version_minor': 0}, 'registration_date': 'Wed, 29 Apr 2020 15:18:40 +0000', 'tenant': {'id': '1496265', 'name': 'JohnDoe@mysite.com'}, 'units': [{'name': 'active_protection', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'meta': {'format': 'json', 'meta': 'eyJjb21wb25lbnRzIjpbeyJuYW1lIjoiQU5USVZJUlVTX0VOR0lORSIsInVwZGF0ZV90aW1lIjoiTW9uLCAwNiBKdWwgMjAyMCAxNTowMToxMCArMDMwMCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiI4MDk4NSJ9LHsibmFtZSI6IkFDVElWRV9QUk9URUNUSU9OIiwidXBkYXRlX3RpbWUiOiJNb24sIDA2IEp1bCAyMDIwIDE1OjAyOjEyICswMzAwIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMC4wLjU2NiJ9LHsibmFtZSI6IlZVTE5FUkFCSUxJVFlfQVNTRVNTTUVOVCIsInVwZGF0ZV90aW1lIjoiTW9uLCAwNiBKdWwgMjAyMCAxNTowMjoxMiArMDMwMCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiI5NzkuMC4wLjAifV19', 'schema_ver': 1}, 'name': 'atp-agent', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'name': 'atp-downloader', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'name': 'cyber-protect-service', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'name': 'mms', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'name': 'sync-unit', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}, {'name': 'task-manager', 'version': {'current': {'build': '1', 'release_id': '0.0.0'}}}]}
Convert the JSON text that the response body contains to an object, and then fetch the status of the agent:
>>> agent_status = response.json()['online'] >>> agent_status False