URL filtering policy

URL filtering policy is a security policy that provides a protection from threats coming from the Internet by preventing access to malicious URLs and downloading content.

For more information on the URL filtering functionality, refer to https://www.acronis.com/en-us/support/documentation/CyberProtectionService/index.html#44153

The following example can be used when creating a protection plan with this protection policy:

Policy example

 2    # Put a unique ID of the policy here.
 3    'id': '',
 4    # URL filtering policy type is 'policy.security.url_filtering'
 5    'type': 'policy.security.url_filtering',
 6    'parent_ids': [
 7        # Put the ID of total protection policy here.
 8    ],
 9    'origin': 'upstream',
10    'enabled': True,
11    'settings_schema': '2.0',
12    'settings': {
13        # A list of blocked websites. Must be a hostname or IP address.
14        'blocked_urls': [],
15        # A list of categories with the access rules. Each category should have either 'ALLOW' to allow access to the category or 'BLOCK' to disallow access.
16        'categories': {
17            'advertisement': 'ALLOW',
18            'advice': 'ALLOW',
19            'blogs': 'ALLOW',
20            'business': 'ALLOW',
21            'computers_and_software': 'ALLOW',
22            'drugs': 'ALLOW',
23            'education': 'ALLOW',
24            'entertainment': 'ALLOW',
25            'file_sharing': 'ALLOW',
26            'financial': 'ALLOW',
27            'gambling': 'ALLOW',
28            'games': 'ALLOW',
29            'government': 'ALLOW',
30            'hacking': 'ALLOW',
31            'hate': 'ALLOW',
32            'health': 'ALLOW',
33            'hobbies': 'ALLOW',
34            'hosting': 'ALLOW',
35            'illegal': 'ALLOW',
36            'internet_messenger': 'ALLOW',
37            'job_search': 'ALLOW',
38            'mature_content': 'ALLOW',
39            'narcotics': 'ALLOW',
40            'news': 'ALLOW',
41            'online_dating': 'ALLOW',
42            'online_pay': 'ALLOW',
43            'online_photos': 'ALLOW',
44            'online_shop': 'ALLOW',
45            'porn': 'ALLOW',
46            'portals': 'ALLOW',
47            'radio_music': 'ALLOW',
48            'religion': 'ALLOW',
49            'search_engines': 'ALLOW',
50            'social_networks': 'ALLOW',
51            'sports': 'ALLOW',
52            'suicide': 'ALLOW',
53            'tabloids': 'ALLOW',
54            'time_wasters': 'ALLOW',
55            'travel': 'ALLOW',
56            'videos': 'ALLOW',
57            'violent_cartoons': 'ALLOW',
58            'weapons': 'ALLOW',
59            'webmail': 'ALLOW',
60            'webproxy': 'ALLOW'
61        },
62        # An option to show a notification in system tray when accessing a blocked website.
63        'categories_access': 'ALERT',
64        # A list of trusted websites. Must be a hostname or IP address.
65        'trusted_urls': [],
66        # An option to prompt for user interaction or block the website without asking.
67        # Note: User interaction is available only for HTTP websites. HTTPS websites are blocked immediately.
68        'website_access': 'ALWAYS_ASK_USER'
69    }