Fetching branding options of a tenant

  1. Authenticate to the cloud platform via the Python shell.

    The following variables should be available now:

    >>> base_url  # the base URL of the API
    >>> auth  # the 'Authorization' header value with the access token
    {'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImMwMD...'}
    >>> tenant_id  # the UUID of the tenant to which the token provides access
  2. Assign either of the following values to the tenant_id variable – the UUID of a sub-tenant created via the API or a sub-tenant found by its name:

    >>> tenant_id = created_tenant_id
    >>> tenant_id
  3. Send a GET request to the /tenants/{tenant_id}/brand endpoint:

    >>> response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/tenants/{tenant_id}/brand', headers=auth)
  4. Check the status code of the response:

    >>> response.status_code

    Status code 200 means that the request was successful.

    A different status code means that an error has occurred. For the details, refer to “Status and error codes”.

    Also, the response body contains an object with branding options formatted as a JSON text. When converted to an object, it will look as follows:

    >>> pprint.pprint(response.json())
    {'account_server_url': 'mc-cloud.acronis.com',
     'backup_console_url': 'mc-cloud.acronis.com/bc',
     'color': 'FFFFFF',
     'color_scheme': 'default',
     'company_name': 'acronis',
     'help_url': 'api/ams/links/help',
     'hide_predefined': 1,
     'home_url': 'www.acronis.com',
     'knowledgebase_url': 'kb.acronis.com/errorcode/',
     'logotype': '2f8ad2e2-28f2-11e7-aad1-5ffe2ad47151',
     'mobile_app_android_download_url': 'www.mobile.com/download',
     'mobile_app_ios_download_url': 'www.mobile.com/download',
     'owns_custom_legal_docs': True,
     'platform_terms_url': 'terms.acronis.com',
     'privacy_policy_url': 'https://www.acronis.com/company/privacy.html',
     'router_url': 'cloud.acronis.com',
     'service_name': 'myservice',
     'smtp_encryption': 'TLS',
     'smtp_override': 1,
     'smtp_password': '',
     'smtp_port': 465,
     'smtp_reply_address': 'noreply@mycompany.com',
     'smtp_server': 'smtp.mycompany.com',
     'smtp_user': 'smtpuser',
     'support_phone': '+1 1111 1111111',
     'support_url': 'support.acronis.com',
     'terms_url': 'terms.acronis.com',
     'upsell_url': 'www.partner.com/buy',
     'user_guide_url': 'guide.acronis.com'}