HTTP status response codes

  • 20x
    A request to an endpoint has been successful and the response body may contain a JSON object with the results.
  • 400
    A request to an endpoint has failed and the response body contains a JSON object with the error details. The errors must be fixed before retrying the request.
  • 401
    Cannot process a request to an endpoint because the token specified in the Authorization header is expired or invalid.
  • 403
    Cannot process a request to an endpoint because your account has no right to access this endpoint. For example, the account does not own a tenant being accessed.
  • 404
    A request to a non-existing endpoint or no requested data is found in the service.
  • 405
    A request uses a method that is not supported by the endpoint.
  • 409
    Another object of the same type already exists.
  • 415
    A request uses a format that is not supported by the endpoint. This problem might occur when an incorrect or no Content-Type header was provided in a request.
  • 50x
    A service operation issue. In such cases, it is a good practice to retry the request twice with a 1-2 seconds interval. If the issue is not resolved after retrying, contact the company administrator or try again later.