Callback handler verification

Callback handlers are verified by Acronis before the CyberApp version is allowed to be deployed to production data centers.


Verification of custom callbacks is usually out of the verification scope.

The following tests are performed during verification:

  • General

    1. Callback handler correctly parses the X-CyberApp-Auth header (left side as plain text, right side as JSON).

    2. Callback handler correctly parses the X-CyberApp-Extra header (as JSON text).

  • Access control

    1. Callback handler parses and validates the Authorization header.

    2. [If applicable] Callback handler verifies context.tenant_id and provides information relevant to this tenant.

  • CyberApp enablement

    1. CyberApp status is reported correctly with the callback.

    2. CyberApp can be enabled with the cti.a.p.acgw.callback.v1.0~a.p.enablement.write.v1.0 callback according to the following rules:

      • When CyberApp is not enabled, the CyberApp status must be written. The response must contain the vendor_tenant_id and acronis_tenant_id that were used to enable the CyberApp.

      • When CyberApp is enabled, the acronis_tenant_id of the CyberApp must not be changed for the same vendor_tenant_id. In case a different acronis_tenant_id for the same vendor_tenant_id was provided, the request must fail.

      • When CyberApp is enabled, a request with the same acronis_tenant_id should be successful.

    3. CyberApp can be disabled with the cti.a.p.acgw.callback.v1.0~a.p.enablement.reset.v1.0 callback according to the following rules:

      • CyberApp status must be reset.

      • Customer mapping information must be reset.

  • Customer mapping

    1. A list of customers is reported with the callback.

    2. A list of customer mapping pairs is reported with the callback.

    3. Customer mapping can be written and removed with the cti.a.p.acgw.callback.v1.0~a.p.tenant_mapping.write.v1.0 callback.

Postman collection

We provide a Postman collection that can be used to verify all mentioned scenarios and simplify your testing process. The collection includes CyberApp enablement with customer mapping requests.

The requests include tests that verify whether the callback corresponds to the defined contract. The tests verify:

  • Response payload.

  • Received callback ID.

  • Response code.