Fetching alerts

A list of alerts can be obtained by sending a GET request to the /api/alert_manager/v1/alerts endpoint.

Request parameters

  • id string
    Case-insensitive IDs of the alerts to return.
  • type array of strings
    A filter by list of alert types.
  • category array of strings
    A filter by list of alert categories.
  • tenant array of strings
    Filter by one or more tenant IDs.
    To filter by one tenant ID, specify a tenant ID. For example: 2f4b84d8-6aad-487b-b0b1-40845bf72737.
    To filter by multiple tenant IDs, specify tenants in the following format: or(2f4b84d8-6aad-487b-b0b1-40845bf72737,c70134c4-a244-4b22-99ad-e081301f7530).
  • skip string
    Case-insensitive IDs of the alerts to exclude.
  • severity string
    A filter by the alert severity.
    Available operators:
    • eq
      equal to the specified value.
      For example, eq(warning).
    • or
      equal to one of the specified values.
      For example, or(warning,critical).
    • lt
      less than the specified value.
      For example, lt(warning).
    • gt
      greater than the specified value.
      For example, gt(warning).
    • le
      less than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, le(warning).
    • ge
      greater than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, ge(warning).
  • show_deleted boolean
    If true, dismissed alerts will be included in the response.
  • show_deleted_only boolean
    If true, only dismissed alerts will be included in the response.
  • updated_at string
    A filter by date in the UNIX nanoseconds timestamp format when the alert was created or dismissed.
    Available operators:
    • eq
      equal to the specified value.
      For example, eq(1439789551045000000).
    • lt
      less than the specified value.
      For example, lt(1439789551045000000).
    • gt
      greater than the specified value.
      For example, gt(1439789551045000000).
    • le
      less than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, le(1439789551045000000).
    • ge
      greater than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, ge(1439789551045000000).
  • created_at string
    A filter by date in the UNIX nanoseconds timestamp format when the alert was created.
    Available operators:
    • eq
      equal to the specified value.
      For example, eq(1439789551045000000).
    • lt
      less than the specified value.
      For example, lt(1439789551045000000).
    • gt
      greater than the specified value.
      For example, gt(1439789551045000000).
    • le
      less than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, le(1439789551045000000).
    • ge
      greater than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, ge(1439789551045000000).
  • deleted_at string
    A filter by date in the UNIX nanoseconds timestamp format when the alert was dismissed.
    Available operators:
    • eq
      equal to the specified value.
      For example, eq(1439789551045000000).
    • lt
      less than the specified value.
      For example, lt(1439789551045000000).
    • gt
      greater than the specified value.
      For example, gt(1439789551045000000).
    • le
      less than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, le(1439789551045000000).
    • ge
      greater than or equals to the specified value.
      For example, ge(1439789551045000000).
  • order string
    An ordering filter that orders the results by parameter value. If no operator provided, the results will be ordered in ascending order.
    The following parameters can be used:
    • created_at

    • type

    • severity

    • source

    • source_time_stamp

    • updated_at

    • deleted_at

    • category

    • planId

    • planName

    • resourceId

    • resourceName

    Available operators:
    • asc
    • desc
  • limit integer
    Number of the results returned in the response.
  • before string
    Cursor to the previous results page.
  • after string
    Cursor to the next results page.

Response structure

If the workloads were fetched successfully, the response returns status 200 with the payload in the following structure:

  • type string
    The identifier of the alert type.
  • category string
    The identifier of the alert category.
  • details object
    An object that contains the information about the alert.
  • details.title string
    A human-readable title of the alert.
  • details.category string
    A human-readable alert category name.
  • details.description string
    A human-readable description of the alert.
  • details.fields object
    An object with arbitrary keys and values where each key-value pair represents a table row.
    Key is the first column, value is the second column of the row.


    If the object includes a key-value of the type url: http://some_url, the URL is displayed as an active link.
    If the URL is too long to fit on a single line in the alert, it is truncated and the suppressed characters are replaced with an ellipsis.
  • tenantID string
    The identifier of the tenant where the alert was triggered.

In this section