Vendor-side lifecycle

Typical vendor-side development and deployment cycles through the following steps:

  1. Requirements analysis
    • The purpose of the integration.

    • Features the integration will provide.

    • Acronis platform data the integration needs.

    • Acronis platform data the integration will modify.

  2. Prepare the callback handler and connector

    Callback handlers allow cloud services to send tenant mapping and request service-specific data.
    For more information, see The callback handler.

    The connector enables data synchronization between the cloud service and the Acronis platform.
    For more information, see The connector.
  3. Develop the integration functionality
    For more information, see Building vendor-side integrations.
  4. [If the Vendor wants Acronis to publish the integration in the Acronis catalogs] Add marketing materials
    The ISV can provide marketing materials to help customers understand if the integration fits their needs and to attract Acronis partners to use the integration.
    Acronis MSP partners activate the vendor-side integration through the integration catalog, so they or their customers can use the functionality.
    For more information, see Marketing a vendor-side integration.
  5. Upgrade
    The ISV updates or upgrades their integration.
    The ISV can update the ‘proxy’ CyberApp Description to reflect and promote the new functionality by duplicating the deployed Description, updating it, and deploying it as in step 4.