Catalog card

For each production-deployed CyberApp, Acronis publishes a catalog card on the integration catalog of the data center(s) where the CyberApp is deployed on the publicly available Acronis Application Catalog.
Catalog cards include the CyberApp logo, name, and catalog card description. This information is specified in the About CyberApp section of the CyberApp Description.

Acronis DC integration catalog cards generally include two buttons:

Deployment tags

When you deploy a CyberApp, you can add a text tag to the catalog card:

  • None

  • New
    Highlights a new CyberApp or an update to an existing CyberApp’s functionality.
  • Coming soon
    Alerts partners to a CyberApp which is soon to be deployed on the data center, but which is not yet available.
    The Learn more and Configure buttons are disabled.
  • Lighthouse
    Invites partners to participate in a Lighthouse program for the CyberApp.
    Lighthouse is a special, high-touch, early-adoption program.
    With Lighthouse, Acronis assigns a dedicated Solutions Engineer and Product Manager to support and promote the CyberApp.
    When MSPs sign up for the Cyberapp Lighthouse program, trouble-free activation, on-going technical support, and feedback management are managed by this dedicated support team.
    This means MSP partners benefit early from the CyberApp functionality, with the comfort and peace-of-mind of having experts to provide guidance and assistance.
    Also, relevant feedback benefits the Cyberapp development team by highlighting potential UX improvements and new features which would increase the value of the Cyberapp for users.

    The Configure button redirects Acronis partners to the Lighthouse sign-up page.