Getting customer enablement status

To get customer enablement status


When a partner opens the Customer Management tab in the CyberApp, the UI sends a callback request to load the information about the enablement status of its customers.

The callback request will:

  • Specify the cti.a.p.acgw.callback.v2.0~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.v1.0 callback identifier.

  • Specify the cti.a.p.acgw.request.v1.1~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.v1.0 request type.

  • Omit the payload field.


    "type": "cti.a.p.acgw.request.v1.1~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.v1.0",
    "request_id": "ff2a71a4-ae4d-48a9-879a-35cab62d50be",
    "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "context": {
        "callback_id": "cti.a.p.acgw.callback.v2.0~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.v1.0",
        "endpoint_id": "cti.a.p.acgw.endpoint.v1.0~yury_partner1_864.mirroring_test.endpoint.v1.0",
        "tenant_id": "9ae2aada-2342-4fc0-8d92-007b597a7d9c",
        "datacenter_url": ""


The callback response code must be 200, and the response body must:

  • Specify the cti.a.p.acgw.response.v1.1~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.ok.v1.0 response type.

  • Include the payload field with the list of customers that have the CyberApp enabled.
    The enablement information must include:
    • vendor_tenant_id
      Vendor tenant ID that corresponds to this customer.
    • acronis_tenant_id
      Acronis tenant ID that corresponds to this customer.
    • [If applicable] settings
      Settings that were used to enable the customer.


    "type": "cti.a.p.acgw.response.v1.1~a.p.customer.mirroring.get_state.ok.v1.0",
    "request_id": "dd7b46a3-9bdc-462a-ae0e-1019a4874d8a",
    "response_id": "1ca896a3-7c1b-42d2-a828-dbea6c64dfcb",
    "payload": [
            "vendor_tenant_id": "2",
            "acronis_tenant_id": "5a19bda3-c964-4e92-87ad-55c21df1285c",
            "settings": {}