Building a form

To build a form

  1. Open the form.

  2. Drag an element from the element menu and drop it on the canvas.


    Form elements are positioned vertically in a single column.
    Drop elements above or below another element in the form.
    To position elements horizontally, add a Group element to the form, set the Mode to Row, and drop elements on it.
  3. Enter the element id in the ID field.

  4. Set the other element properties.
    For more information on the available properties, see the element type details page.
  5. [Optional] Create dependencies for the element’s visibility.

  6. [Optional for certain input elements] Set the element validation criteria.

  7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for all necessary form elements.


    To delete an element, select it and click delete.
    To see details about an element, select it and click info.
  8. [Optional] To preview the form, click preview.

  9. When you have finished building the form, click Done.


    Clicking Done does not save your work.

  10. Click Save changes to save your form/form group.