Reporting alerts

You can inject alerts to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud by sending a POST request to the /api/alert_manager/v1/alerts endpoint.
Injected alerts display in the Cyber Protection console.
See the Alert example, below.

Interaction diagram


participant "Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud" as ACC
participant "Connector - Sync Algorithm" As ConnSync
participant "Connector - ISV's System Abstraction" As ConnExt
participant "ISV's system" As Ext

group Detecting and sending alerts
    activate ConnSync
    ConnSync -> ConnExt: Poll alerts updated since <last_alerts_update_timestamp>
    deactivate ConnSync

    activate ConnExt
    loop Until the last alerts page is reached
        ConnExt -> Ext: Fetch an alerts page
        activate Ext
        Ext -> ConnExt: n-th alerts page
        deactivate Ext
    ConnExt -> ConnSync: A list of alerts to push
    deactivate ConnExt

    activate ConnSync
    ConnSync -> ConnSync: Set <last_alerts_update_timestamp> to\n'timestamp' field
    ConnSync -> ConnSync: Map ISV's alert data structure\nto the platform alert data structure
    ConnSync -> ConnSync: Map ISV's tenant IDs\nto the platform tenant IDs

    loop For each alert in the list
        ConnSync -> ACC: POST /api/alert_manager/v1/alerts with alert data
        deactivate ConnSync

Request structure

  • type string
    The identifier of the alert type.
  • category string
    The identifier of the alert category.
  • details object
    An object that contains the information about the alert.
  • details.title string
    A human-readable title of the alert.
  • details.category string
    A human-readable alert category name.
  • details.description string
    A human-readable description of the alert.
  • details.fields object
    An object with arbitrary keys and values where each key-value pair represents a table row.
    Key is the first column, value is the second column of the row.


    If the object includes a key-value of the type url: http://some_url, the URL is displayed as an active link.
    If the URL is too long to fit on a single line in the alert, it is truncated and the suppressed characters are replaced with an ellipsis.
  • tenantID string
    The identifier of the tenant where the alert was triggered.
  • ResourceID string and ResourceName string


    Both are required for the device/workload row to appear in the alert.

    ResourceID is the UUID of the device/workload which triggered the alert.
    ResourceName is the name of the device/workload which triggered the alert.
    • When the Partner or customer opens the Alerts section of Acronis Protection Console, the alert shows ResourceName as a link.
      The user can click this link to drill down to the device/workload (similar to native Acronis alerts).
    • When the Partner or customer opens the Acronis dashboard and adds alerts widgets, the alert shows ResourceName as a link.
      The user can click this link to drill down to the device/workload (similar to native Acronis alerts).
    • When the Partner or customer opens the DEVICES section in Acronis Protection Console, and opens the device/workload for which an alert has been posted, the Alert section in the right-hand panel contains the alert.


    If device/workload no longer exists, the name is displayed, but it is not clickable.

Alert example

    "type": "",
    "category": "",
    "details": {
        "title": "Malware Quarantined",
        "category": "Malware Detected",
        "description": "Malicious file \"trojan.exe\" was put into quarantine.",
        "fields": {
            "Malware type": "Trojan:Win32/Caphaw.D!lnk",
            "Device ID": "62aedd2b-6556-45d5-a76e-43db475068a7",
            "Full path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\trojan.exe"
    "tenantID": "f234baa2-e404-4d78-93de-4f3a77448d02"

Produces the following alert in the Cyber Protection console.


Response structure

The response returns status 200 with a single field payload.

  • id string
    UUID of the reported alert.

In this section