Managing a CyberApp team

Some vendors create a multi-disciplinary team, whose members each have a specific role, skill set or responsibility.
Each team member has a Vendor Portal account of the appropriate type.

Vendor Portal account types

There are three Vendor Portal account types:

  • Developer
    Developers have full access to Vendor Portal.
  • User
    Users are best suited to CyberApp marketing and product management roles.
    Users can inspect all sections of Vendor Portal, but only have full access to the CyberApp Descriptions and deployment sections.
    They cannot perform any CyberApp Version actions.
  • Read-only user
    Read-only users can inspect component lists, individual CyberApp Descriptions, the dashboard, and the activities report.
    They cannot perform any actions in Vendor Portal.

Both Vendor Portal Developers and Users can:

To manage Vendor Portal accounts

Vendor Portal accounts are managed through the Acronis management portal.
All Vendor Portal accounts types have access to Acronis management portal. Management portal access level can be either:
  • Administrator
    Can create and manage Vendor Portal accounts.
    For more information, see Managing Acronis Cyber Protect users in the Cyber Protect Cloud Partner Administrator Help.
  • Read-only administrator
    Can inspect the list of Vendor Portal accounts.
  1. [If you are in Vendor Portal] Click cybercloud.

  2. Click company.

  3. Click Users.
