Acronis platform APIs

This page provides links to API guides and reference documents.
For more information on Acronis APIs, see the Acronis platorm API chapter in this guide.

Account Management API

Account Management API guide.

Account Management API reference.

  • Manage tenants and their users.

  • Manage services and their offering items.

  • Manage user quotas.

  • Manage locations and storages they contain.

  • Search for tenants and user accounts.

  • Collect immediate service usage by tenants.

  • Manage usage reports.

  • Log in to the platform on behalf of another user.

Agent Manager API

Agent Manager API guide.

Agent Manager API reference.

  • View information about installed agents.

  • View information about the host where the agent is installed.

Alert Manager API

Alert Manager API reference.

Integration Management API

Integration Management API guide.

  • Activate or disactivate an integration for Acronis partners.

Resource and Policy Management API

Resource and Policy Management API guide.

Resource and Policy Management API reference.

  • View information about available resources.

  • View information about protection plans and policies.

  • Create/update/delete a protection plan.

  • Apply/revoke a protection plan to/from resources.

  • Enable and disable specific policies.

Task Manager API

Task Manager API guide.

Task Manager API reference.

  • View and filter tasks.

  • View and filter activities.

Vaults Manager API

Vault Manager API reference.

Other Acronis service APIs

File Sync & Share API

File Sync & Share API reference.

Notary API

Notary API reference.

API change log

Acronis API library change log (PDF).