Opening the Version list

Since the CyberApp functionality can change over time, you can create multiple (up to a maximum of 50) Versions per CyberApp.


CyberApp Versions must be approved by Acronis before you can deploy it to a production environment.

To open the Version list

  1. Open the CyberApp.

  2. Select the CYBERAPP VERSIONS tab.


The list includes the following information about CyberApp Versions:

  • Version
    The version number of the Version.
  • Description
    The Version Comment field.
  • State
    • Draft
      Work in progress.
    • In review
      Submitted to Acronis for approval.
    • Awaiting improvement
      Pending improvements.
    • Approved
      Acronis approved the Version.
    • Deployed to test environment
      Deployed to test environment.


      For more information, see Version approval process.

  • Created
    The Version creation date and time.


    Hidden in the example.

To filter the list

You can filter the list on the Description column.

To filter the list, start typing a string in the Search field.
Filtering is dynamic. The list is refined with each character you type.

To show or hide columns

  1. Click columns.

  2. Select or clear column options.

In this section