
CyberApps exchange data between Acronis and the ISV cloud service using callbacks.
The callback handler receives callbacks and performs the appropriate corresponding actions on ISV cloud service data.
Callbacks include a request payload, which provides data to the callback handler, and/or one or more response payloads, which send data back to the CyberApp.

There are two callback types:
Cyberapp users can trigger a custom callback in UI forms when the form is opened (these callbacks are called the data initializer callbacks), or when some user action occurs, such as clicking a button.
For example, you might create a data initializer callback to fetch a list from the ISV cloud platform, then display data from this list in a form table when the CyberApp user opens the form.
You might also create another custom callback to create a new list entry using data from input controls when a user clicks a button on the form.