Dependent forms

Dependent forms are forms which you can add to a root form to create a form group for extension points which have UI.
The extension points which have UI are:

To create a dependent form


You must already have a root form or a form group to create a dependent form.

  1. [If required] Open the custom integration settings tabs, main menu item or open pop-up workload action, then open the UI builder by clicking uibuilder.

  2. Click plus in the Form group area.

  3. [Optional] Configure the new dependent form.

    1. [Optional] To rename the dependent form, enter the new name in the Form name field.
      This will appear as the pop-up window title.
    2. [Optional] Specify a data initializer callback.

    3. [Optional] Add input parameters.

    4. [Optional] Set up footer buttons.

  4. [Optional] Build the form.
    You can do this later, if you prefer.
  5. Click Done.


    Clicking Done does not save your work.

  6. Click Save changes to save your new dependent form.


To delete a dependent form


Deletion of a dependent form is a one-click process.
Vendor Portal does not request deletion verification at this point.
If you delete a dependent form by accident, you must exit UI builder without saving changes to retrieve the deleted form.
  1. [If required] Open the custom integration settings tabs, main menu item or open pop-up workload action, then pen the UI builder by clicking uibuilder.

  2. Click the dependent form tab cross in the Form group area.