UI builder
UI builder is a drag-and-drop tool for quickly building custom forms for the CyberApps.
It ensures that CyberApps have a secure UI, with a unified ‘look and feel’ within the Acronis environment.
UI builder is used to build the forms and form groups for:
Open pop-up workload actions.
The CyberApp enablement form also uses the UI builder, but cannot have any dependent forms, and the available UI elements are limited.
UI builder layout
The UI builder has four working areas:
- Element menu lists the UI elements, grouped by functionality.From here, you drag the elements you want to use in your form, and drop them on the canvas.
Canvas is where you drop and organize elements to build a form.
Configuration pane is where you set form properties and individual element properties, such as optional element visibility dependencies and validation logic for certain INPUT CONTROL elements.
- Form group is the selectable list of forms in the form group.The CyberApp enablement form only has a single form. You cannot create a form group for enablement forms.
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