Opening the Description list

CyberApp marketing resources can change over time. They can also vary for different international markets.
Therefore, you can create multiple Descriptions for a Cyberapp. These are managed in the managed in the Description list.

To open the Description list

  1. Open the CyberApp.

  2. Select the CYBERAPP DESCRIPTIONS tab.


The Description list includes the following information about CyberApp Descriptions:

  • Version
    The Description version number.
  • Description
    The Description Comment field.
  • State
    The current Description state
    • Draft
      Is being worked on.
      This is the only state where the Description is editable.
    • In review
      Submitted for approval by Acronis.
    • Awaiting improvement
      Pending improvements requested by either Acronis or you.
    • Approved
      Approved by Acronis.
      The Description is no longer in the approval process.
    • Taken for correction
      Taken for correction by Acronis.
      The Description is no longer in the approval process.
    • Needs confirmation
      Corrected by Acronis.
      Changes require vendor confirmation.
    • Declined
      Vendor declined Acronis changes.
      The Description is no longer in the approval process.
    • In correction
      Acronis has corrections/improvements pending.
    • Deployed to test environment
      Deployed to test environment.


      For more information, see Sending for approval and Deploying to test.

  • Created
    The Description creation date and time.


    Hidden in the example.

  • Localizations
    The number of Description language localizations.
    To see the list of localizations, open the actions and details panel.
  • Valid
    The Description is valid if you have entered all required content.
    For more information on required content, see Managing Description content.

To filter the list

The list can be filtered based on the Description column.

To filter the list, start typing a string in the Search field.
Filtering is dynamic. The list is refined with each character you type.

To show or hide columns

  1. Click columns.

  2. Select or clear column options.

In this section