Exporting and importing Versions

A Version can be exported to a ZIP file, called a Version package.
You can import a Version package to create a new Version.
Version packages are generally used to create a new CyberApp Version from a Version of a different CyberApp.


To create a new Version from a Version of the same CyberApp, you can simply duplicate the Version.

Version package contents

  • An index file.

  • A set of files describing the extension points in a declarative format.

  • Localization files that translate the strings within the extension points.

Using Version packages

  1. In the source CyberApp, export the Version.

  2. Prepare the Version package for import.


    Package preparation is a highly technical process.
    We advise that you contact Acronis to ensure that the package is correctly prepared.
  3. Open the target Cyberapp and import the Version package.