Every time an object (a CyberApp Version, a CyberApp Description or a deployment request) changes state, an activity record is created.
You can see a list of CyberApp activity records in the activities report.


Deployments to the test environment are not included in the activites report.

To open the activities report

  1. Open the CyberApp.

  2. Select the ACTIVITIES tab.


The report includes the following information about the CyberApp activites:

  • Activity
    The resulting state of the activity.
  • Object Type
    The type of object that the state change activity was performed on.
  • Description (version)
    The description of the CyberApp Description, CyberApp Version or deployment request.


    Descriptions are optional for CyberApp Versions and CyberApp Descriptions.
    If there is no description, the object version number is indicated.
  • Initiated by
    The login of the Vendor Portal account which performed the activity.
  • Created
    The creation date and time of the activity record (i.e. when the state change occurred).


    Hidden in the example.

  • Reason for state update
    The (optional) comment entered by the Initiated by Vendor Portal account.

To filter the report

You can apply filters to the Activity, Object Type, and/or Created columns.


For more information, see Activities report filtering.

To show or hide columns

You can choose to show or hide the Created and Reason for state update columns.

  1. Click columns.

  2. Select or clear column options.

To open an object listed in the report

Click the Description (version) report entry link to open the object.