Adding input parameters

You can define input parameters to store data in the form model without necessarily visualizing it on a UI element.
Input parameters are commonly used to pass data between forms when a CyberApp user clicks a button which opens another form.
If you give an input parameter and a UI element the same ID, UI builder treats them as the same form model data item: if the value of one changes, the value of both changes.


This means that you can set a default value for a UI element by creating an input parameter with the same ID, and assigning the required default value to the input parameter.

To add input parameters

  1. Open the form.

  2. In the configuration pane, in the Input parameters section, click add.

  3. Enter the input parameter ID.

  4. Enter the input parameter Default value.
    For more information, see Input parameter default values.
  5. [Optional] Build the form.
    You can do this later, if you prefer.


In this example, the developer creates two input parameters.
  • UserGroup is assigned a default value of ALL.

  • tenant is assigned the generic Acronis variable of tenant_ID.


Input parameter default values

You can specify a default value for input parameters.


Default values are string types, but if you give an input parameter and a UI element the same ID, the input parameter takes both the value and the data type of the UI element, because they are treated as the same data item in the form model.

You can use generic Acronis variables (formatted as {{ $.variable }} ) as part of the default value string.
The available generic Acronis variables are:
  • tenant_id - the Acronis tenant ID.

  • origin - the URL of the Acronis DC.

  • locale - the user language setting.

For input parameters on open pop-up workloads action forms, you can also use dynamic (context-specific) variables:
  • client_id - the ISV workload id.

  • name - the ISV workload name.

  • Parameters from the ISV workload payload (posted under attributes).