Usage and reporting

There are two ways to fetch service usage:

  • By fetching tenant service usage using the /tenants/usages endpoint.

  • By creating a report via the reporting API and fetching service usage from the report.


  • Information about tenant service usage is provided by the /tenants/usages endpoint. The information is updated, on average, every 5-6 hours.

  • For billing purposes, use reports instead of the /tenants/usages endpoint.

Available service usage and usage reports operations


Methods and endpoints used

Fetch a service usage of a tenant

GET /tenants/usages

Create a new usage report

POST /reports

Fetch a usage report

GET /reports/{report_id}

Fetch a usage report from tenant reports

GET /reports/{report_id}
GET /tenants/{tenant_id}/reports

Update a usage report

PUT /reports/{report_id}

Disable scheduled usage report

PUT /reports/{report_id}

Delete a usage report

DELETE /reports/{report_id}

Fetch a stored usage report

GET /reports/{report_id}/stored
GET /reports/{report_id}/stored/{stored_report_id}

Fetch a service usage using a stored report

GET /reports/{report_id}/stored/{stored_report_id}

Create a billing report

POST /reports
GET /reports/{report_id}/stored
GET /reports/{report_id}/stored/{stored_report_id}