Opening the actions and details panel

The actions and details panel displays the production deployment request details and shows any available actions.
The available actions depend on the deployment request state.

To open the actions and details panel

  1. Open the CyberApp deployment list.

  2. Click the production deployment request.


Details displayed

An available actions bar is displayed. This will be empty unless the deployment request is in the draft state.

The details panel has two tabs:




This tab displays the following deployment details:

  • Description
    The deployment request description.
  • Created
    The date and time that you created the deployment request.
  • Deployed on
    The deployment type (Test environment).
  • State
    The deployment state.


    For more information, see Deployment request states.

  • Reason for state update
    The (non-obligatory) comment entered by the person who made the latest state change to the deployment request.


    For more information, see Deployment request states.


This tab displays a list of details for each individual target production deployment data center (DC):

  • A deployment state icon indicates the state of the DC deployment:
    • notstarted: Not started

    • inprogress: In progress

    • deployed: Deployed

    • failed: Failed

  • Target DCs
    The production deployment data center.
  • CyberApp Version
    The Version deployed to the DC.
  • CyberApp Description
    The Description deployed to the DC.
  • Publishing tag
    Any publishing tag assigned to the deployment:
    • None

    • New

    • Coming soon

    • Lighthouse


    For more information, see Catalog card.

  • Deployment status
    The deployment status:
    • Visible

    • Hidden