Building element visibility logic

You build visibility logic on the VISIBILITY tab of the UI builder configuration pane.


To build element visibility logic

  1. Click the element you want to control on the UI Builder canvas.

  2. Select the VISIBILITY tab in the configuration pane.

  3. Click New dependency.

  4. Select the element State you want to create logic for:

    • Visible

    • Enabled

  5. Select the Condition block modifier:
    • And

    • Or


    These are equivalent to the common logical operators.

  6. [Optional] Click New condition to add a condition to the block and select a Condition type:

  7. [Optional] Click New condition to add another condition to the current logic block and repeat from step 6.

  8. [Optional] Click New block to create a recursive logic block and repeat from step 5.

  9. [Optional] Click New dependency to add a new dependency and repeat from step 4.


To delete a condition, click Delete condition, at the bottom of the condition.
To delete a block, click Delete block, at the bottom of the block.
To delete a dependency, click Delete, at the bottom of the dependency.