Images & videos

Your CyberApp detail page will include a carousel to display screenshots, marketing images, and videos.
We recommend including at least one image or video.


Video files must be accessible through a URL. They cannot be uploaded.






A title for your CyberApp slider.

Y - if you have added an image or video.
N - if you have not added any images or videos.


A description of your CyberApp, located under the title of the slider.

Y - if you have added an image or video.
N - if you have not added any images or videos.

To add an image or video

  1. Select add.

  2. Select Image or Video type.

  3. [If you selected Image] Click Browse to select the image file from your local drive.
    [If you selected Video] Type the URL of the video.
  4. [Optional] Reorganize the order of your images and videos by clicking the up and down arrows.

  5. [Optional] Delete an image or video by clicking delete on the row.