Vendor Portal

We developed Vendor Portal to help Acronis Technology Ecosystem partners build Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Platform integrations (CyberApps) quickly, and in accordance with Acronis CyberApp Standard best practices.
Vendor Portal is an online service (no downloads, no installations, accessible from any web browser, and available 24x7), providing a low-code, GUI development and management environment.

With Vendor Portal, your organization can:

Vendor Portal account types

There are three types of Vendor Portal accounts:

  • Developer
    Developers are the power users of Vendor Portal.
    They have full access to all sections, and can perform all actions.
  • User
    The user account type is best suited for CyberApp marketing and product management roles.
    Users can open and inspect all sections of Vendor Portal.
    They have full access to the CyberApp Descriptions and deployment sections, but cannot perform any CyberApp Version actions.
  • Read-only user
    Read-only users can open and inspect component lists, individual CyberApp Descriptions, the dashboard, and the activities report.
    They can’t perform any actions anywhere in Vendor Portal.