
Integrations List

Once the application is deployed, it will appear in Integrations List with the description and other integration details provided in application description.

Application enablement

In most cases, an application needs to be enabled by the Partner before he can or his customers can start using it. Before the application is enabled, no data is transferred between the ISV’s service and the platform and application elements in the platform interface will stay hidden.

To enable the application, the Partner should open Integrations List, select the application and perform its configuration, e.g., provide URL address and credentials for accessing ISV service.

Depending on the application, the Partner may also need to enable the application for customers before they can start using it. This is done in the following way:

  • If ISV service has a single account for all End Customers, the Partner just needs to select End Customer tenants that will use the integration on the Customers management tab.

  • If ISV service has separate accounts for each End Customer, the Partner needs to map ISV service accounts to Acronis tenants. In this scenario, the application will stay disabled and hidden for End Customer tenants who were not mapped to corresponding ISV accounts.

When Acronis Partners enable the application, they may need to accept legal agreements for themselves and on behalf of their customers (data processing agreement, end-user licensing agreement, terms and conditions, etc.). The application will not be available to End Customers who do not have accepted agreements and consent for data processing.

Application becomes available

After the application is configured and the legal agreements are accepted, the Partner and its End Customers may start using the application. This means the application interface will be shown in the Acronis Cyber Protection Console and data exchange with ISV service is allowed.