
Develop a new Version

If the CyberApp’s service changes, or a new extension point needs to be added, or the CyberApp Description needs to be changed, you can duplicate your latest CyberApp Version and Description and update them independently.

You can have multiple Versions deployed in the same data center, but only the latest Version will be available to partners and customers.


An updated CyberApp Version and Description follow the same approval procedures.

Request new publication

When the updated CyberApp is ready and approved, you can select the data centers where the updated CyberApp will be deployed and send a new launch request. You can decide whether to deploy the updated CyberApp to all data centers (full upgrade) or deploy it to a limited number of data centers first (partial upgrade), then deploy it to all data centers later.

Updated CyberApp becomes available

After the updated CyberApp is deployed to the data centers, the new version of your CyberApp becomes available in Application Catalog, and existing customers will start using it.