Set billing information for a customer

  1. Authenticate to the cloud platform via the Python shell.

    The following variables should be available now:

    >>> base_url  # the base URL of the API
    '<the Acronis data center URL>/api/advanced-automation/v1'
    >>> auth  # the 'Authorization' header value with the access token
    {'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImMwMD...'}
    >>> tenant_id # the ID of the partner tenant that can be accessed with the token
  2. [If no customers created] Create a new customer tenant with Account Management API v2.

    As a result, you will get a tenant ID that you will use in the following steps.

    >>> tenant
        'name': 'Foobar',
        'kind': 'customer',
        'parent_id': tenant_id,
        'language': 'en',
        'contact': {
            'address1': '24',
            'address2': 'Esenni motivi',
            'email': '',
            'phone': '083 2222 588',
            'zipcode': '1330',
            'city': 'Sofia',
            'country': 'Bulgaria',
    >>> customer_tenant_id
  3. Choose a sales tax for your customer:

    1. If a customer is subject to sales tax exemption, set the tax_exempt field to true.

      >>> tax_exempt = True
      >>> sales_tax_id = ""
    2. If a customer is not subject to sales tax exemption, fetch a tax that you would like to apply by following the Fetch taxes procedure.

      As a result, you should have an ID of the tax that you will use in the following steps:

      >>> sales_tax_id
      >>> tax_exempt = False
  4. Fetch a list of countries and languages available in Advanced Automation by following the Fetch service desk configuration procedure and choose a corresponding country and language for the customer.

    As a result, you should have a country ID and a language that you will use in the following steps:

    >>> country_id
    >>> language_id
  5. Define a variable named billing_info, and then assign an object with customer’s billing info to this variable:

    >>> billing_info = {
    ...     "Tenant": tenant_id,
    ...     "Name": "New Customer",
    ...     "TaxExempt": tax_exempt,
    ...     "Tax": sales_tax_id,
    ...     "Language": language_id,
    ...     "Country": country_id,
    ...     "BankAccount": "AL35202111090000000001234567",
    ...     "VATNumber": "A23456789B",
    ...     "TrialAccount": False,
    ...     "DaysOffPerYear": 15,
    ...     "TimeRegistrationRoundupTime": 10, # in minutes
    ...     "PaymentTerms": 14, # in days
    ...     "LoginUserName": tenant['contact']['email'],
    ...     "SubtotalsOnInvoice": false, # Whether to create subtotals on invoices
    ...     "DirectDebit": false, # Whether to use direct debit
    ...     "SendInvoiceByEmail": false, # Whether to send invoices by email
    ...     "HouseNo": tenant['contact']['address1'],
    ...     "Street": tenant['contact']['address2'],
    ...     "Zipcode": tenant['contact']['zipcode'],
    ...     "City": tenant['contact']['city'],
    ...     "PhoneNumber": tenant['contact']['phone'],
    ...     "Email": tenant['contact']['email'],
    ... }


    For simplicity’s sake, the customer’s address re-uses the same contact information that was used to create a tenant. You may specify different values if needed.

  6. Convert the billing_info object to a JSON text:

    >>> billing_info = json.dumps(billing_info, indent=4)
  7. Send a PUT request with the JSON text to the /Customers endpoint:

    >>> response = requests.put(
    ...     f'{base_url}/Customers',
    ...     headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', **auth},
    ...     data=billing_info,
    ... )
  8. Check the status code of the response:

    >>> response.status_code

    Status code 200 means that the request was successful.

    Also, the response body contains the information about the created customer formatted as a JSON text. When converted to an object, it will look as follows:

    >>> pprint.pprint(response.json())
        "Id": "6074cc51-98d1-4f9d-b380-95d3277b5e98",
        "Tenant": "0dc377ec-e970-42e2-9e95-7ff9d8b05c11",
        "Name": "New Customer",
        "DebtorCode": null,
        "Alias": "New Customer",
        "Status": 2,
        "Language": "48d06c90-f8a4-4726-a83c-a47dbb709f25",
        "TaxExempt": true,
        "Tax": "bc814c40-9114-4329-8eb5-5b1e89270afb",
        "Country": "d46c54bd-1704-4a55-bb76-fc03073669a0",
        "TicketUpdateMandatory": null,
        "StateCountry": "b4c87080-7c8c-45e0-8867-a714ffc79b7d",
        "Street": "test",
        "HouseNo": "test",
        "HouseNoAdd": "test",
        "Zipcode": "test",
        "City": "test",
        "Domain": "",
        "Email": "",
        "FallbackInvoiceEmailAddress": "",
        "PhoneNumber": "test",
        "Fax": "test",
        "VATNumber": "",
        "BankAccount": "",
        "ADSyncID": "c2a53309-56e5-4640-b433-2154c4d41970",
        "DefaultSLA": "63b75905-10d4-44e9-ba1e-7aa2eff4100b",
        "SupportGroup": "2e4eea65-b277-4ec4-a777-07c71d622c44",
        "DefaultBusinessUnit": "90c26810-e310-49e4-a1b5-0fd56c6f1655",
        "SupportUser": "256b0fd2-9a50-4a73-9d08-5f11e2d104d7",
        "CompanyType": "-",
        "SendInvoiceByEmail": false,
        "Addresses": [],
        "InvoiceRecipients": [],
        "TimeRegistrationRoundupTime": "10",
        "Category": "7f8320eb-d653-40ae-9d57-1257bead1a29",
        "Priority": "683a47ec-e57c-43a5-ba10-2ccdc03fd331",
        "DaysOffPerYear": 15,
        "IsTier4": true,
        "Tier": "Tier 4",
        "ShowPersons": true,
        "TenantData": null,
        "ParentCustomer": null,
        "DefaultBillingEntity": null,
        "ClientDocumentation": "",
        "AutoPause": null,
        "BuildingName": null,
        "PaidAccount": true,
        "TrialAccount": false,
        "TrialExpirationDate": null,
        "CreationDate": null,
        "TrialAccountExpired": false,
        "Tier3Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "PaymentTerms": 14,
        "InvoiceNotes": "",
        "TierCulture": "en-US",
        "DirectDebit": false,
        "ConsolidateBilling": false,
        "IsSetAsMainCustomer": false,
        "OldParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "SubtotalsOnInvoice": false,
        "GroupLinkedToCustomer": false,
        "ExternalTenantId": "2360",
        "ExternalTenantUUID": "41e19c11-2606-475d-b459-56a5509494ee",
        "AcronisTenantId": null,
        "LoginUserName": "",
        "GroupId": null,
        "StateCountryDescription": "Alabama",
        "CountryDescription": "United States",
        "ExternalParentId": null,
        "OccupancyRateNotificationThreshold": 85,
        "CustomFields": []