Table columns

The Table columns section is where you manage the columns in the table, and set individual column properties.

To add a table column

  1. At the bottom of the Table columns section of the PROPERTIES tab, click newcolumn.

  2. Enter a Column name and ID.

  3. [Optional] Select a Width for the column and/or mark it as Resizable.

  4. [Optional] Click the uparrow and downarrow to reorder the columns.

  5. [Optional] Click delcross to delete a column.


Table column properties

  • Column name
    The column header.
  • ID
    The ID of the column.
  • Width comingsoonsmall
    Column width.
    • Auto

    • Extra small

    • Small

    • Medium

    • Large

    • Extra large

  • Resizable comingsoonsmall
    Enable to allow the user to resize the column.


    Currently, the user resize preferences are not saved: the columns will have default sizes each time the CyberApp redisplays the table.
