This element executes an action on user click.
This element is not available in the CyberApp enablement form.
- IDElement identifier.
- LabelThe button text.
- TypeThe button type. Each type has a different style.
- FitAdjusts the width according to the label.
- FullUses 100% of the available width.
- PaddingThe size of the button.
- Icon nameAdds an icon to the left of the label.If you select a monochrome icon, it is displayed as white.A colored icon is displayed unaltered.
- On clickThe action executed when the user clicks the button
- No actionThe button has no action
- CallbackA callback is executed.
Choose the callback from the Callback name dropdown.
Specify any request and response mappings you require
- Open formA form is opened.
Choose the Mode * Popup * Sidebar
Choose the form in the Form name dropdown.
[Optional] Map any input parameters
- Close formThe form is closed.