
This element executes an action on user click.


This element is not available in the CyberApp enablement form or the Customer enablement form.


  • ID
    Element identifier used to refer to in the callbacks/other areas.
  • Label
    The button label.
  • Type
    The button type. Each type has a different style:
    • Primary

    • Secondary

    • Danger

    • Ghost

    • Promo

    • Translucent

  • Width

    • Full
      Uses 100% of the available width.
    • Fit
      Adjusts the width according to the content.
  • Padding
    The padding around the button.
    • Small

    • Medium

    • Large

  • Icon
    The button icon instead of the label.
  • On click
    The action that is executed on user click.